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Monday, December 15, 2008

The Neverending Book

It will come to no surprise to those following this blog that continual updating of opening books is the linchpin of my book theories. It is pleasing to know that even in engine chess the player whom is able and willing to put in the time will reap the rewards.

I realize that not every player has the time or inclination to spend more time on analyzing games and updating books than they do on actually playing. This is however the road to good results and honest Elo. Setting aside some time everyday to go over your played games and using infinite analyses mode to find alternate lines in places you seemed to come out of book ineffectively, is a good start.

The book updates that I make available have 20-30 hours of work invested in them. They are based on hundreds of rated games played by fast Quad machines and are *book specific. It is my hope that they will give the serious engine player that does not have the time to do the book work a competitive advantage.

Thank you all for the support and encouragement that I have received in this project, it will continue as long as downloads remain steady. I think you will find this latest update 14.1i the strongest thus far.

*Book Specific
Only games that were played by the book are being used to update the book.


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